Saturday, March 29, 2014

Follow You Into The World

"I'll follow You into the homes of the broken,
I'll follow You into the world.
I'll meet the needs for the poor and the needy, God,
I'll follow You into the world.
I give all myself to You."

         As I start this journey to Africa, it's becoming more than just a ten day trip. I'm longing for this lifestyle. I am going to Africa-not because I want to have cool stories to tell when I get back, but because God is alive in my heart and he asks for nothing less than all of me committed to serving Him. Being a Christian isn't about petty arguments over what style of worship is better or who's prayers are more spiritual. It's not about good intentions-promising God that you'll reach out to your co-worker who doesn't know Jesus. We try to complicate things that are so simple. James 1:27 "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." We have so many voices speaking into our minds of what true religion looks like. 

         What does it matter when people approve what you do if God does not? I don't want to get to the gates of heaven with only good intentions. I'm following God to the deepest parts of the world. In May it will be Africa, but tomorrow, it will be people I usually pass by while on my phone in the halls of church or on the streets. I believe wholeheartedly that God will breathe life back into the village of Mganduzweni and into the lives of every man, woman and child there.

        God, you are awesome. Thank you for knowing me and loving me despite my many mistakes. I pray over the village of Mganduzweni and all who live there. I cast out every spirit of fear, destruction and hopelessness from the village and ask that you rest your Spirit of grace and peace over them. Satan has no place in their homes or on the land. Please be preparing the hearts of those who will be traveling there in future months ahead-that you would give us wisdom and guidance in our conversations and interactions. Let your Name be lifted high in everything we do and say. We give you all the glory and honor. Amen

Friday, March 28, 2014


Well, here I am, sitting on my computer trying to find ways to raise support to go to Africa. I never thought I would be doing this! I created a Facebook page giving a brief description of what this trip is all about. Check it out:

"I am so excited for the opportunity to go to Africa with the Leadership College this May! This is not a trip with the goal of personal gain in any way, but rather to bring HOPE to the village and people of Mganduzweni, South Africa. When I say hope, this is what I mean: meeting their physical needs by providing water(biggest need in the village), food for the children, better homes, and also their eternal needs by providing a healthy church family for them to be in relationship with, and most importantly, the grace, hope and love that we have in Jesus.

Here's the details: I am needing to raise $1500 to make this trip possible. I am willing to do whatever to make that happen, but I need your help! If you need any work done around your house, babysitter, etc. I am your girl! Donations are gladly accepted as well. I will keep you updated with how the budgets are going and where I am at! I leave fro Africa May 16, but have some time after that to have the money raised. I would love for you to be a part of this journey! Above monetary needs, what I value most are your prayers. Not just for me, but very much so for the people in this village. Pray that God would be preparing and already working in their hearts!"
My heart has always been to serve others, but I want this trip to be more than just serving. I want the precious people of Mganduzweni to see Jesus when they see me, or members of my group serving. That Christianity isn't just a religious group to be a part of, but that knowing Jesus is HOPE. Please pray with me to see this happen!